Cosmetics with toxic substances

Cosmetics with toxic substances
Carolin Pinegger

Lopinion by

Carolin Pinegger

Mar 20, 2017

According to a study conducted by the Independant Institute of France Noteo on a very wide range of cosmetic products (15,000 products), from nail polish to cream foundation, 40% of them affect our health.

Toxic substances contained in these beauty and hygiene products are in great part of endocrine disrupters.

Here are some figures to illustrate what we meant daycare skin, hair, nails. Depending on the concentration of endocrine disruptors in the top of the list is nail polish (74%), foundation cream (71%), makeup for eyes (51%) Cleansers (43%) Lipsticks (40 %), face masks (38%), deodorants (36%), dentifrices (30%), shampoo (24%).

This video explains the problems:

According to a study, beauty and hygiene products labeled bio appear to have been spared of these toxic substances. "Among the most commonly used endocrine disrupters in beauty and hygiene products are parabens (23%) and cyclopentasiloxane (15%).

Moreover, about ciclopentasiloxan know that promises a soft, velvety, it is waterproof, that do not allow water penetration. We also know that is present in toothpastes, mouthwashes, deodorants etc.

But very few of us know that it has severe side effects: neurotoxic, carcinogenic risk. According to a study conducted by the Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences, cyclopentasiloxane may cause medium irritation to eyes and skin.

It was also found that a small portion of the substance enters the circulatory system through the skin. Triclosan found in soaps, bath gels, shampoos, is suspected of allergic reactions and asthma. "But often, these substances are the same product, stresses Baptiste Mary, founding chairman of Noteo, told AFP. Moreover, Baptiste Mary asked the French authorities even prohibit the use of these products currently.

Are also likely to be the cause, even in small doses, has a variety of other effects, particularly on the physiological development of individuals exposed to these substances from the intrauterine stage.


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