Big Data and Digital Marketing

Big Data and Digital Marketing
Stefan Ivanovic

Article by

Stefan Ivanovic

Feb 8, 2017

Big data has a very important role in digital marketing and neglecting it’s potential would be wrong.

To make sure you don’t make this mistake and ignore the power of big data in digital marketing, I’ve decided to explain the relation between the two in a way even ordinary users can understand.

If you are not informed about big data or not sure what it is, you can find a great explanation - here.

We are immediately going to skip directly to explaining the importance of big data for your business:
Big data allows you to actually do something with the vast amount of data that you have through using analysis. That way you can improve many aspects of your business.

Example 1: If you are in manufacturing business. During your manufacturing process, errors occurs in a particular part of the factory. Big data discovers it and you can easily eliminate it.

Also, big data can be useful for something that's often more important for business. You can use it to predict the behavior of your customers based on their previous behavior. Therefore, many divisions of your company will be able to save money (especially marketing).

Example 2: You sell T-shirts. Using big data you can discover that the age group of people buying them was between the ages of 20-25, 75% of whom were woman, 44% of T-shirts were yellow, and 15% had a pink print on them. Conclusion: Make more yellow T-shirts with pink prints.

We are coming to the part about big data and digital marketing, I promise.

Gathering data from a vast number of sources and implementing what you find through it's analysis can have a great effect on your digital marketing. In the end, we all want to make maximum impact with minimum effort. Big data doesn't completely solve that, but it sure helps more than not using it at all. All the great companies and businesses do it, so sometimes it's OK to go with the flow.

Digital marketing these days has proved over and over again that it's power is rising and that the old forms of mass advertising are not able to keep up anymore.

Read: The Evolution of Digital Marketing: 30 Years in the Past & Future

By removing complete uncertainty for the equation, marketers are now able follow changes in real time and adjust their strategies a lot faster. If you printed a billboard, and tomorrow it's irrelevant, that's not a good investment, right? But in digital marketing, you can remove any mistake faster, learn from it and evolve. That way, even if you lose money, you lose a lot less than with ''old'' marketing.

Example 3: Facebook ads are much cheaper than posting an ad in the papers.

Often, the amount of data that you have can be truly massive, so going through everything may seem like a grueling work. Still, keep in mind that big data can help your digital marketing by letting you know how to better engage with your customers. Knowing your customers needs brings you a few steps closer to whatever goal you have (mostly making more profit while spending less while doing it).

Here are some top uses for big data in digital marketing:

- To better understand customer insights: 29%,

- To improve the supply chain: 18%,

- To power campaigns and promotions: 16%

If you like more numbers, stats and charts check How Big Data and IoT Drive Digital Marketing Efforts

Keep in mind that big data is not exact science like math. You have to experiment with the analysis constantly to find ways to improve your digital marketing.


The Future Is Here And It’s Called Big Data by IQS Directory

If I missed something about big data and digital marketing that you would like to know, just ask! 

Twitter - @Stef_Ivanovic


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