5 Ways to Get Feedback from Customers

5 Ways to Get Feedback from Customers
Srdjan Kali

Article by

Srdjan Kali

May 31, 2017

In present day it is unthinkable, for all who are in business, not to use feedback from their customers.

Feedback gives you a chance to understand their behavior about your brand. It gives you a view in a lot of different things that concern your business and your customers. With good analytics, you can notice what your product are missing and how to improve customers satisfaction.

If you use your customer’s feedback you will always know what you should do to fix the problem.

I picked these 5 ways to get feedback from customers:

1. Surveys

The perfect way to get feedback from your customers is to set up a survey. It is easy for management and you can approach it in two different ways:

Long Surveys

This is the most present model of surveys. You can create your questions with SurveyMonkey and then send the link to your customer list and to all people you want through Twitter, Facebook, and all other social networks. After a few days, you should have all sorts of feedback.

Often happens that too many people don’t answer your questions and for that reason, I will give you some advice:

- Keep your surveys short because no one wants to spend half hour answering your questions.

- Ask customers only important questions, how you can get useful answers. Don’t ask the question without the purpose, you just waste a customer’s time.

- Start to use open-ended questions. That will give the opportunity to your customers to show you their real wishes.

Short Surveys

This type of surveys you can open right on your site. It should be just a few-basic-question survey.

2. Feedback Boxes

You should have a structured process for receiving feedback from your customers.

Give to your customer’s solution, if they want to complain about some small mistake in your product to not must reach you support team. That can be some kind of feedback box on the bottom of your site where you customers can write you what you could fix about your product.

3. Direct Contact with Customers

This is one of the most underestimated methods to get feedback. If you want to really understand your customers the best way is to talk with them.

Try to find some local in your customer list. Invite them to lunch and ask them to help you to understand how your business can help to solve their problems. You will have more benefits from this lunch then from hundreds of surveys.

4. User Activity from your Analytics

You can use web analytics tools to realize what section of your site customers use most often. But that will not show you an individual use.

With the customer, analytics is all different things. With it, you can follow your customer activity and can react on time to find out how you can improve your product how customers who didn’t by it can change their mind.

5. Usability Tests

The best way to test the usability of your new product is to watch someone how to use it. That will show all good and bad sides of using it. It is not necessary to pay a lot of money to some research team.

Now you can find for a small amount of money user testing sites. They also can show you where you problems are.

And at the end of this article, I hope that it is helpful for you.

Follow me on Twitter – @SrdjanKali.


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