Improve Your Personal Brand

Improve Your Personal Brand
Stefan Ivanovic

Article by

Stefan Ivanovic

Jul 21, 2017

Personal branding is the practice of people marketing themselves and their careers as brands.

Many people consider that improving personal brand is a tough task and often give up even before they start with it. 

And having social media accounts that are successful are just not enough. You need a professional website or at least a landing page, with your domain name (that will fit your personal name, duh!). 

Well, getting to a point where you can make improvements is quite easy and cheap. You can easily do it by following these steps! 

Make Contact With Important People

If people have no idea who you are, personal brand is not going to develop easily, or at all! If you proudly show your face in conferences and other meetings of high industry people, you have to get results. Making contacts is a part of every sensible business, because everyone you meet will affect your brand and anyone is a potential game-changer for you. 

You don't have to bother them with ideas and presentation all the time. Sometimes, business people are just normal people who appreciate a nice small-talk and good manners. 

After you make a connection, add them on social media (LinkedIn is the best business platform and will make you look professional) and remind them about your chat. This can often be where your contact with the person ends, but there is always a shot of making further contact that can benefit you in the future. 


Proving that you are an expert that you claim to be can be tricky. People are not easily persuaded that you are who you say you are. The best way of showing your true knowledge about some topic is to blog about it. 

That leads us back to the part about having a website or a landing page. If you freely share some knowledge with other people, and you do it for some time in a disciplined manner, you will get the trust you need. Building trust with clients, even potential ones, is always a good thing. 

Discover our guide about blogging - here

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Business can be one of the rare areas of life where bragging is not such a bad thing. 

If you have a happy customer and accomplish anything important on a professional (or even personal) level, shout it out to the world. Being open about your success can bring you more customers. More customers - better personal brand. 

On the other hand, don't be afraid to acknowledge some tiny mistakes you make along the way, because they will make you seem human. Remember that you are not just a face and a name, you are a real life person that works with people and can make mistakes like anyone else. 


You can be the biggest expert in your industry, but there will always be things that you are not going to be best at. The importance of learning and evolving with time is extremely important if you want to stay relevant and develop your personal brand. 

Trends change fast, so make sure that you follow them. 

Learning new skills and expanding knowledge always pays. The more you know, the better you will help your clients, and probably make more money along the way. 

As your personal brand grows, new and better chances will come your way, and more knowledge can play a big part in your use of those chances. 

All in all, there are many things that you can probably improve! Just don't quit and accept the challenge. 

More useful articles: 

4 Habits of Successful People

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