Clients - Deal Breaking Questions

Clients - Deal Breaking Questions
Wolfgang Pinegger

Article by

Wolfgang Pinegger

Feb 19, 2018

If you are not ready to fail spectacularly with your potential clients, you have to be well prepared to answer these questions.

You may be spending 24 hours a day developing your business, but it all doesn’t mean much if your communication with clients isn’t funded on good numbers and stats. And don’t think that the clients won’t ask you some questions you don’t want them to ask. And don’t think you can get a pass without answering them.

Some questions, and failure to answer them, can be real deal breakers, so make sure you have answers to these questions.

What did you do for clients before us?

The question above can be formulated in many different ways, but basically your future clients would like to know about your previous cooperation with clients and the results you delivered for them.

So bring the numbers and statistics to the show, because they are the best proof you can offer. Also, if you can get your hand on any client testimonials that would be great. If not, then you made a huge mistake, because you should always make it a part of the deal for clients to give testimonials about your successful cooperation.

Your time will cost money, so you should always come prepared to justify all that spending.

What is you plan?

Clients are investing money in your business, so they feel more comfortable when you come with a detailed plan about how you plan to conduct business to achieve results. Being vague and undetermined, speaking with uncertainty and anxiety will drive the clients away.

On the other hand, giving precise answers will help. Base your answers on detailed research of the market and industry. Don’t mistake sharing your plan with clients as a weakness and despair, because this approach builds trust with clients.

How about communication?

If you are not being flexible in using communication in a way that fits your clients, then you are going to have a problem. Clear communication is a part of every successful business, and you can’t run away from it.
Some clients are more demanding than others, so they will ask frequent reports, and you better deliver them, otherwise they won’t be happy. You can’t expect for them to invest money and promise first reports after 6 months. You can give your first results after 6 months, if that was a part of the deal, but you have to file reports before and often, probably.

Remember, if they started business with you it’s in everyone’s interest it goes well.

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Why do we pay so much?

No client is going to ask this so directly, but they will want to know is all that cost really needed and for what. And you better give a good answer to it.

You are probably not going to be the cheapest or the most expensive in your niche, and you should use that to your advantage. That will describe you as not too greedy, but also not someone who doesn’t value what they offer.

You should always talk quality and growing.

Example: Your business is doing a high quality work, but you are still a developing and growing company that is using a different business model than your competition. Clients matter on the long run, not just for grabbing quick cash.

Also, don’t lower your price until you are really forced to, because standing your ground firmly and knowing what you are worth will also influence on building client trust.



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