How to Stay Organized as a Freelancer

How to Stay Organized as a Freelancer
Stefan Ivanovic

Article by

Stefan Ivanovic

Apr 22, 2018

Successful freelancers never lack organization.

So, you made a transfer from a regular job to freelancing. Once the first impressions excitement died down, you found yourself in worry about your productivity and organization without someone supervising you.
You should be able to stay organized as a freelancer with some of these tips:

NOT Relying on Memory

One of the works things you can do that will mess you freelancing endeavor is simply memorizing things.

There are just too many things going on in everyone’s life and it’s not going to be easy to memorize everything you should do.

You should use fully all the options modern tech offers (Google doc, Excel, apps) and also have good old notebook where you write your work. Some people can go fully paperless, I’m just too paranoid for it.

By writing stuff down, you will decrease stress on your brain and you will be able to focus better on delivering the tasks rather than trying to remember what they are.

7 Tools to Help You Stay Organized as a Freelancer

Keep to Schedule

You just have to have a working schedule. Freedom of freelancing is not without its limits if you want to succeed. You are free to organize your own time, but you have to organize it. Freelancing is not a vacation.

Creating a good schedule that you can actually stick to is essential for you to meet deadlines and not stress out. Time management is a very important part of it all so make sure you are doing it well.

Your schedule should work best for you, but very often it has to work with your clients. If you want to stay in your comfort zone, don’t be too loose with your time.

DON’T Multitask

While the option of multitasking seems attractive, it also often makes you do many things at once badly. You can’t run around all the time trying to do all things at once, because it will just take you longer to do things.
Instead, try to focus on one thing at a time and finishing it with 100% dedication.

It is clear that you won’t be always able to do only one thing at a time, but make sure that you at least try. If you exercise to focus on one task only, you’ll get better and better with time.

Manage the Money

As a freelancer it is easy to lose track of the money coming and going. Track your finances!

As soon as you start to get multiple clients, it will start to get hard to track who paid for what, so make sure that you document it all. Make sure that you know how much time you invested in this particular project and how much money it is bringing. Miscalculations can often lead to your freelance endeavor to failure.


As a freelancer you’ll be forced to do the communication on a daily level. If you are only talking with clients via emails, make sure you count that in your schedule. If you are also using social media, you will need time of the day to manage your accounts and possible new clients.

Make sure you double-check all the messages you are sending, because you don’t want to mix the clients in any way.

If you found some of these tips helpful make sure you share some of your own also.

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