Be Your Own Motivation

Be Your Own Motivation
Stefan Ivanovic

Article by

Stefan Ivanovic

Oct 16, 2018

You should not depend on other people to motivate you.

There is a constant fight in all of us to remove all the distractions from our lives. If we are unable to keep our motivation to a high level, we tend to lose the fight.

The motivation mistake most people make is relying on others to provide it. We set goals because of someone else and at the same time we count on motivational support from that person.

First of all, make sure that the goal you are heading to is really a goal that you want to achieve, because you will be the one making sacrifices.

Now, when a certain goal is your own, motivation to achieve it should also be only yours.

Picture Your Goals

Whatever your goal is, chances are it’s not going to fall from the sky and you’ll have to work hard for it. That’s why you always need to have a clear picture of your goal in your mind. Challenges that come along the way should present only speed bumps on your road to success. Be clear with yourself it’s not a highway. It’s a road!

Thing about the kilometers that are behind you and how hard it was to get where you are at the moment. Do you want to go back after such a long drive? Should you? Would it make you happy? If the answer to all of these questions is ‘no’, the only way you can go is forward.

Talk to Yourself

While at first it sounds like something a crazy person would do, we all talk to ourselves. That’s how we are able to hear our thoughts before we say them. Some people don’t have this ability and that gets them into trouble, but that’s not the topic here.

Talk about the what’s and why’s of your goals and also about failures. Because it’s normal that not everything is going to go as planned. Give yourself some time to develop the habit of planning alternative outcomes, but only if those side roads keep you on the right track.

Compare You with You

If you are always looking at other people, you’ll be distracted and not be able to focus on your own road.
The only person you need to compare yourself to is... you! Because you have all the facts about your life. Why something is and why it isn’t.

Make peace that there are many people who are ahead of you, but there are also many who are behind. Those ahead might have gotten a head start, but that shouldn’t matter to you. You ride your own ride.

Embrace Failure

Failure is an inevitable part of every great journey, so make sure that it doesn’t pull you completely. Analyze, learn, and move forward. Once you’ve realized that failure will happen down the road, you’ll drive more peacefully.

If you constantly spend time thinking how and when will it happen and not enough time on how to prevent it, you’ll be lost.

Have fun

Everything you do should bring you joy in one way or the other. So make sure that you are having fun with the things you do. Make the learning process fun and enjoy.

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