Solve Your Money Problems with Minimalism

Solve Your Money Problems with Minimalism
Stefan Ivanovic

Article by

Stefan Ivanovic

Feb 10, 2019

Minimalism might be the magic wand that will solve your money problems.

If you are reading this, there is a high probability you are already lacking money. And you are tired of having to live paycheck to paycheck, and that puts a special kind of stress on all of your relationships. But, we’re not here to talk about how you feel. We’re going to talk about what you can do!

First of all, make sure that you see your problem from a distance. When you can do that, you’ll probably realize that you are spending too much money. Surely, there are people who are earning too little, but I’m talking to the ones that don’t have to be on the brink of poverty.

When you write down everything you earn on one side, and everything you spend on the other, I’m sure you’ll be able to find something that you are constantly buying but you don’t need.

Most people should start from clothing, tech and household decoration. Basically, if you are spending most of your time in the mall or on Amazon, there’s more than enough room to save money.

Make sure that you really think before you make a purchase.

And that will probably lead to the most important and general answer that will solve your money problems – buy less!

This can be applied in every part of your life, and if you try it you will definitely have more money.
Let’s make an example.

You have a free weekend. You can spend it with your significant other. How exactly? Do you go out for a coffee? After that a restaurant? A short two-hour walk through the mall? At the end of the day you have spent between $50-$100. Does that make you happy? Was it worth the money and the upcoming stress of not having it?

If you take this example and multiply it with the number of weeks you do this, there’s probably going to be more than enough money for a nice vacation. Or simply, you’re going to have money on your bank account and that will make you feel more safe.

At the end of the day, money is there to buy us security and comfort, but that doesn’t have to mean the newest electronic lock or 15 cushions that will make you feel like you are laying on the clouds. Should you spend so much time in the bed anyway?

Instead of buying the coffee, make it yourself. Instead of eating expensive food in a restaurant, buy the ingredients and simply cook with the help of YouTube videos. If you are married, like I am, cook with your wife, do the dishes and talk in between. That will be a good investment in your relationship and also in your wallet.
And don’t get me even started on the clothes. Most of us don’t need a new shirt, T-shirt, suit etc. every time we go out. Actually, I’m sure it’s a fact that we don’t need it. We are just so focused on having to buy a new piece of clothing as often as possible, because ‘I already have a picture with that one’.

Cure your desire to consume in the quantities that are not on your financial level, dial it down, and your financial problems will surely be smaller. With time, you will notice you have more time and energy to dedicate to the things that really matter in life.

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