Android or IOS?

Android or IOS?
Rakom Otange

Glopinion by

Rakom Otange

Jul 29, 2013

Weighing the options between Android and Iphone Operating System;the two leading operating system

An operating system is software that provides a platform on which a number of tasks can be performed. It works in synchrony with other elements such as applications, software suites and also enables the other components to interact with the system and give the desired output. It serves as the driving engine for the rest of the computer’s components. There is a wide array of operating systems (OS), including Windows OS, Android OS, Mac OS, Linux OS , iPhone OS etcetera.
With the dynamism of the mobile telephony and Personal computers (PCs) taking a new twist and always on an evolution, the two trendiest operating systems currently are the iPhone OS and the Android OS. Two of the world’s leading Smartphone makers have engaged in cutthroat completion, with the operating system being one of the focal points for competition. While Apple’s iPhone series runs on iPhone OS (IOS), Samsung’s Galaxy series runs on Android. So how do the two leading operating systems compare?
For starters, Android is an open source software, which implies that it is compatible with most of the software manufactured by several electronic companies worldwide. The Android OS also allows users to download a wide range of applications with users being able to customize widgets and they are mostly o free. In comparison, most IOS applications are to be purchased on Apple Store. The main advantage of Android over IOS is mainly based on its incompatibility with other open source software that are widely available and for free. On the other hand, IOS applications have to be purchased, only to limit the user’s range of utility. It goes without saying that IOS is somehow monopolistic and will be limited to Apple-manufactured gadgets. However, both the Android and IOS have great technical capabilities such as 2D and 3D graphics as well as supporting a wide range of java scripts and flash.
In my view however, the IOS is elitist and expensive to sustain in the long term, not to mention the inconveniences its users have to encounter, with respect to compatibility. However, from a manufacturer’s point of view, the IOS is perhaps more profitable since it will ensure users keep buying applications and upgrade whenever necessary. Moreover, IOS is a proprietary software, which means it is designed in a manner likely to get its users addicted to a particular line of products; with most people being ever enthusiastic and anxiously waiting for a iPhone series to come out. Android therefore remains the most user friendly operating system, which is flexible and allows its users to customize applications to their satisfaction.


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