Intelligence: Gift or Curse?

Intelligence: Gift or Curse?
Aideen Brody

Glopinion by

Aideen Brody

Mar 9, 2014

Many people think that for a successful life intelligence is important. It is somewhat true, but many people do not know that intelligence brings some disadvantages. Here are some disadvantages of high intelligence.

You are probably a night owl
Studies show that people with higher IQ stay up late at night, so logically they wake up later. Experts say that it should not be surprising because intelligent people often choose night hours for reading, studying, analyzing, writing ... The brain, due to the work, awakens and they find it hard to fall asleep later. The downside is that a good night's sleep is important for health and normal functioning of the human.

It is hard to find a partner
Another downside of intelligence is social slow-match, especially during high school and even in the early twenties. For some that lasts up almost whole their life because some people always feel better in the company of well-known people. The bad side is that the intelligent people in this case hardly meet partners because they are reclusive and often have high standards. But the good news is that once they find a suitable partner, they enjoy much better sex than people of average intelligence.


Lies are not strange to you
Intelligent people usually know that they are the smartest in the room. To some people it means nothing and can normally fit into the society in which they are located. Some others use their intellect to somehow abuse others. In other words, talks to others from a height, scatter the smart notions, and often tell a little lie to boost the impression. This of course means that you can sometimes be bad, but such people nobody likes.

You believe in the incredible things
Several studies have shown that extremely intelligent people believe in a pretty strange things. For example, respondents in one survey believed that the monster in the photo was real even though it was photomontage. Experts do not know why it is so, but think it might have something to do with excessive confidence, and with absolute assurance of smart people in their own intellect, even when they are wrong.

You are prone to self-destruction
Intelligent people stay away from the dangerous stuff - it's pretty logical, isn’t it? Maybe it seems that way because smart people see and know so avoid dangerous and unhealthy things, but the reality is actually different. Why? Because there is something called curiosity that intelligent people leads into a very complicated and dangerous situations such as addiction. Several studies have shown that intelligent people are prone to self-destruction.

Quotes about intelligence.

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