Food you should avoid with age

Food you should avoid with age
Ruzica Vukovic

Glopinion by

Ruzica Vukovic

Sep 30, 2013

As years go by, certain food is starting to have harmful effect on the body. Closer you are to fiftieth birthday, you should definitely avoid food that increases blood pressure, threatens to clog your arteries, and causes sleep problems.

Eat less salt

Too much salt in the diet affects the blood pressure. Salt makes body to retain water, and additional quantity of surplus water in the body increases blood pressure. The higher the blood pressure is, greater the pressure on the heart, kidneys, arteries and brain is. High blood pressure can lead to heart attack, stroke and kidney disease. The amount of salt you consume has the same effect on your blood pressure. Although you’re aware that some food, like potato chips, contains large amounts of salt, in some food salt is hidden, such as in processed meats, cheeses, frozen foods, drinks and even breakfast cereals.

Avoid bacon

One out of three people in the U.S. suffer from arthritis or chronic joint disease, and there are certain foods that will only exacerbate the problem. Scientists have discovered that the enzyme COX-2 is active and causes joint problems when you consume more fatty acids omega-6 than omega-3. According to the Arthritis Foundation, at the top of the list of foods you should avoid are bacon, meat, egg yolks, corn, sunflower, soybean seeds and margarine.

Third glass of wine

Numerous studies have shown that a moderate amount of wine is actually good for health, but the problem is the determination of the "moderate" amount. Half bottle of wine each evening is certainly not a moderate dose. According to the National Institute of Health, a small to moderate amount of alcohol means consuming two to seven glasses of wine a week. You should bare in mind that excessive drinking of alcohol can damage the kidneys and liver, and heart disease is the leading cause of death in a large number of people who drink alcohol excessively.

Dark side of sugar

Scientists have found that excessive amounts of sugar can affect body in several ways. When you consume sugar (in any form) the body converts it into glucose. High levels of glucose in the blood are linked to diabetes. Diabetes is danger itself, but it can also lead to health problems such as cardiovascular disease, kidney damage and nervous system disorder. Diabetics also have skin, mouth and bones problems, which makes them look and feel older.

Carbonated soft drinks

American Diabetes Association recommends reducing the consumption of sweet drinks that contain sugar to reduce the risk of diabetes. The average can of carbonated soft drink contains about 150 calories and 40 grams of carbohydrates, which is equal to the amount of carbohydrate that ten teaspoons of sugar contain. Energy drinks have a very similar structure, and if you do decide to drink them, at least check out how much carbohydrate they contain.


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