Avoid Branding Mistakes

Avoid Branding Mistakes
Wolfgang Pinegger

Article by

Wolfgang Pinegger

May 10, 2017

Creating a professional brand is essential for every business success.

It today’s market, being invisible is not an option. Avoiding anonymity at every cost is important for your brand, so you should be competitive and fight against it.

Your brand is how people see your services, products and every part of your company and it is desirable to present to them all the best that you have.

So, here are some mistakes you should avoid:

Not realizing how important branding is. It is a very common mistake, believe it or not! Companies don’t realize the full power and potential of their brand and so they can easily go down. Even companies who have worse products can get ahead of you because they are more famous and they invested time and money into creating a well known brand. Not investing in branding is going to limit your chances of exponential growth and expansion through various markets.

Neglecting the basics. Mobile responsive website, relevant images, website speed, discounts… All of these things are pretty basic and they matter! Take time to review your work, check the spelling, the grammar, sentence structure and correct the parts that don’t fit. Don’t expect to write like a pro, because every pro will double-check his work. While checking, you should think from a perspective of a customer and see are the information you are offering relevant or good enough. These days, digital content is out there in a few seconds and it can be very easy to make a mistake without ever realizing it.

Not being a team. Every good company starts behind the walls, with creating a quality team! Every member of the team should be dedicated to the success of the company. How? Social media activity can make a lot of difference. By tweeting, posting etc. all over social media your team will look professional and like they believe in the company they represent. Talk to your team and train them about the importance of branding so that they realize what it means to be a part of your company. Also, make sure that you provide them with everything they need to share your brand on social media.

Being too complex. You can’t be all things at once. You cannot be everywhere and offer everything. Make your message to the customers simple. A strong and powerful message can take you a long way. Being too many things at once can just create confusion to all the new potential customers and actually hard your brand in the beginning. You should first establish your brand by offering something simple and once you have enough loyal customers you can continue with your ideas of expansion.

Many of you probably also what to know - What makes for a good brand?

Successful brands have a lot of things in common such as:

• Uniqueness – To create a unique identity you don’t necessarily have to have a revolutionary idea or crazy product; you simply need one special thing that allows you to stand out from the crowd.

• Passion – The best brand are built on passion because you simply can’t sustain a great brand without it in the long-term. It takes hard work to continually provide good, if not great results and that takes passion. Directly related to passion are enthusiasm, happiness and joy which are things customers often feel about a passionate brand which then creates an organic growth that will propel you forward.

• Consistency – Repeat customers often repeat because of either great service or great prices, or a combination of the two. By being consistent with what you provide you gain trust from customers, while inconsistency is often all it takes to make customers look elsewhere to have their needs met.

• Drive – Along with passion, the best brand have a competitive drive to be the best. That drive means you are constantly looking to improve, going above and beyond in efforts to be the best and make the best impact. Brands that have a lot of drive are often known as the movers and shakers of their sector, regularly on the cutting edge of their industry.

Special thanks to: 

5 Branding Mistakes to Avoid 

5 Brand Mistakes to Avoid

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