3 Ways To Improve Video Content Strategy

3 Ways To Improve Video Content Strategy
Stefan Ivanovic

Article by

Stefan Ivanovic

May 22, 2017

If you are not seeing results of your video content, you have to improve your strategy. Do better!

Video content is becoming more popular and many businesses have a strong wish to become more recognizable through the power of video. But, they lack knowledge.

There are many aspects in why you can fail in video marketing so let me name a few: you don’t know why you are making a video, you don’t know who to target, you don’t understand the importance of quality visuals etc…

In order to make your video content strategy a success, you have to know a few things.

Set a Goal

You have to be an expert in your own business and line of work to make good quality videos. Your video content strategy needs to start with self-reflecting. Knowing what you have to offer to audience is all the way on the top of the list! Once you define the best (or the only) product you have to offer, you can start communicating with your audience and hope to achieve something.

What you hope to achieve is your goal, and you should always be ready to change everything but not your goal! If your goal is to get more sales, you make a video that will be easily understood and that will call for the customers to buy from you. Video is all about saving precious time and going straight for what you want in an interesting, hypnotizing way!

Great tools you can use to make your videos - here

Know Your Audience

Video content is only as good as your understanding of your targeted audience. Not knowing who you are aiming at (or saying ‘everyone’) is a thing of the past and I’m not even sure it worked in the past. People need to feel special, like what you are offering them is something they really need. Use your videos to visually guide them through the complex buyer’s journey in fast passed, well versed way.

Once you get audience to watch your videos, you can hope that they will buy something from you. Also, it will most certainly improve the number of comments, likes etc. and it will help your brand become more recognizable. Then, you can easily make surveys that they will actually spend time filling and get and even better insight on what your customers want from you.

How Long Should Your Next Video Be? 

Manage Resources

The most important question every movie studio asks is ‘’How much is this movie going to cost?’’ It should be the same thing with video content for marketing your business. You want to be precise on how much money you are willing to spend and what the quality you are going to get is. Perhaps, you already have someone in your company who is talented with working with camera, or someone who can write a script for a video, so use that to make your costs smaller. If your don’t have anyone like that, hire someone, because the last thing you want to do is to write, produce, star, film, edit the video by yourself. That usually brings us to some poor quality. Unless you are a pro, but if you are would you be reading this article?

So, make sure that you follow these 3 basic tips and make sure that you get the best quality you can for your money. Make sure that the video is tailored for the specific audience you are targeting, and hope that all that hard work will bring you to your goal.

Once that happens, make new goals!

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