Save Your Small Business Money

Save Your Small Business Money
Srdjan Kali

Glopinion by

Srdjan Kali

Jun 24, 2017

Every dime you save you can re-invest in the growth of your small business.

There are so many ways to save your small business money. Saving money doesn't have to be painful.

Actually, it will give you an opportunity to make your business more efficient in the process.

I will give you a few ways that you can use to save your small business money.


Consider all positions your full-time workers take. Do you need them for every position they take?

Full-time workers are a big burden on your finances. That for you can cut some positions outsource them. You can hire some agencies to help you about social media marketing, it is not necessary to pay full-time workers for that.

Also, you can hire a virtual receptionist service to answer your calls.

All this will be much cheaper than full-time workers.

Clean Your Email List

If you didn’t do this in a while, then you probably have an email list with a bulk of inactive contacts. If they did not open your emails in the last few months than is a big chance they won’t open them in the future.

The just make you pay your email marketing service more than you must because you probably pay the price based on the number of contacts.

You should clean your email list once a month. Remove all contacts inactive last 3 month. You can save them in a spreadsheet, maybe you will need them.

Share your Office Space

Do you really need office just for yourself? Many businesses can share their offices without any problem.
With this simple trick, you can save a significant amount of money, by cutting your huge monthly expenses for renting an office. It is always better to share rent with someone.

Start to Buy in Bulk

Buying in bulk is cheaper and can cut your expenses. You should consider where you can use this little trick. You can discuss with your suppliers where you can get a potential discount.

More Efficient Meetings

A lot of businesses waste their time with pointless meetings or with unnecessarily long ones. If your meeting doesn’t have a touchable goal, you probably didn’t need it.

Cut out your wasted time, make your meetings more efficient and keep your workers engaged.

Improve Your Marketing

A huge amount of money, businesses waste every year on advertising strategies that don’t give satisfying results.

That is the reason why you need to improve your marketing and to optimize your social media marketing. With this strategy, you can save a lot of money and improve your ROI.

Find right targeted audience, determine the right metrics, use A/B testing and improve your ads often.

I hope that my article is helpful to you. If you know some other ways to save your small business money I will be glad if you share it with us below this text.

Follow me on Twitter – @SrdjanKali.



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