How much water we should drink daily?

How much water we should drink daily?
Linda Jones

Lopinion by

Linda Jones

Aug 1, 2019

Make hydration very simple and healthy

How much water do we need? Here I give you several tips for making hydration very simple.

We all know that there is nothing better than drinking a tall glass of water. But water is so much more than a drink. For example, do you know that our body contains more water than any other substance? All systems in our body need water to function properly.

Water helps us to get rid of waste, helps us to regulate body temperature, protects all our sensitive tissue, and provides cushioning for joints, along with many other benefits. But when it comes to hydration, we can all be a fish out of water. Learn how you can put essential oils into water and drink in healthy ways.

How much water we should drink?

You probably already know that drinking 64ounces of water is a standard amount a day, but many experts from National Academies of Sciences suggest that we should drink a little bit more.

According to them, we should drink 95 ounces for women older than 19 and 131 ounces for men older than 19.

Before you figure out how much water you need, consider these few factors:

• Breastfeeding/Pregnancy: During pregnancy and breastfeeding, women should increase water consumption.
• The second factor is Age: Seniors need more water than Children.
• Climate: When you're outdoors in the sun, make sure to drink fluids more often.
• Health: If you are experiencing symptoms of illness such as fever, vomiting, make sure to increase your water to keep hydration levels properly.
• The levels of Activity: While running athletes lose more water through perspiration. It is of key importance to make up and refuel water before, during, and after physical activity.

When you have doubts, listen to your body. Studies show that humans feel thirst before anything else. The body knows how to feel the negative effects of dehydration. So when you’re thirsty, remember to drink up.

Why is water so important?

Water is essential for our cells, tissues, and organs. Here is what water does for our body:

- Water protects our spine.
- When we are working out, water helps us to sustain endurance.
- Brain function becomes quicker and more efficient.
- Keeps our body temperature at a normal level.
- Helps us to eliminate all waste through bowel movements, urine, and sweat.
- Water softens our joints and also Smoothes them properly.
How to constantly stay hydrated:
- Always keep a water bottle close to you.
- Avoid sugary drinks. Of course, you get fluids from juice or soda, but water is the best source for healthy hydration.
- 30 minutes before each meal, drink a glass of water.
- Remember to drink water before, during, and after you do any physical work or at the gym.

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