Top 6 Major Security Problems That Mobile App Developers Face

Top 6 Major Security Problems That Mobile App Developers Face
John Nelson

Glopinion by

John Nelson

Oct 1, 2019

We are living in a technological age and it is well and actually depends upon us. Nowadays, technology-based start-ups are bursting throughout the world. Now that cellphones are so extensively used, more and more app development corporations are investing money into mobile application development to fulfill the heaving demand of users.

During the several phases of planning, developing and testing, developers must pay detailed attention to the apps accessibility, functionality, performance, usability, and must of all SECURITY. Applications fulfilling all these demands are considered to be the best android apps. With the success of any of mobile apps whether they are related to social media, lifestyle or games apps, new companies, and more innovators are evolving to try to get a benefit but it is not that easy. Actually mobile app developers face many challenges from planning and designing to testing. Today we will discuss some security problems an app developer may face.


1. Weak Server Side:

Communication that occurs between the user and the app happens via the server. Therefore, this becomes a major target of hackers to get data and misused it. The protections to safeguard server-side safety may vary from engaging a dedicated safety expert to just using a testing tool. The foremost problem arises when developers donut bothers server-side security concerns. Here are some common reasons why this happens:

• Shortage of security information
• Small security funds
• Too much reliability on the mobile Operating System for responsibility and security updates
• Weaknesses due to cross-platform compilation and development.



The most vital and easiest step to protect your mobile application from server-side weaknesses is simply scanning it. You need to scan your applications using an automatic scanner. A scanner identifies problems that can be solved with slight effort. If you need advanced safety than you can hire cyber professionals so that they can guide you during this process.


1. Doubtful Data Storage:

A usual mobile apps security gap is the absence of protected data storage. Client storage is not a closed box location where security breaches are impossible. The data can be easily retrieved, handled and used.



An excellent way to protect your data storage via different platforms is to build an extra layer of encryption above the base level encrypts given by the Operating System. It offers a great boost to applications security and decreases your reliance on the defaulting encryption.


1. Insufficient Transport Layer Protection:

In the case of a deficient transport layer, a hacker can have access to the data and steal or alter it on his will. This result in scams, personal threats, etc. The usual practice is to userland SSL to encode the communiqué. All SSL are not similar and this is the main issue. Several of these are distributed by the third party or are self-signed.



Some ways to secure mobile applications by strengthening the transport layer:

• Aware of the user if the mobile app identifies an illegal certificate.
• Think of making SSL chain authentication compulsory.
• Don’t send sensitive data like passwords over alternating channels, for example, MMS, SMS, or notifications).
• Practice industry-standard encryption suites with suitable key lengths as they’re fairly stronger.
• Use the SSL versions of 3rd party social networks, analytics companies, etc. when an app runs a routine via web kit or browser.


1. Poor Authentication and Authorization:

Underprivileged or absent authentication permits an opponent to secretly operate the mobile application or backend server. This is prevalent because of a mobile device’s input form feature. The form factor encourages the user to put short passwords that are typically based on 4-digit PINs.

Contrasting in the case of web apps, mobile app users are not likely to be online during their sessions. Mobile networks are not as consistent as traditional web connections. Therefore, mobile applications may need offline verification to sustain uptime. This offline requirement can generate security gaps that developers must ponder when applying mobile verification.



In order to stop operation on sensitive information, it is best to bound login when the user is online. If there is a particular business requirement to permit for offline verification then you can encrypt the application data that can be unlocked only with specific processes.


1. Client-Side Injection:

Client-side injection refers to the implementation of malevolent code on the client-side on the handset, through the mobile application. Usually, a threat negotiator inputs the malevolent code into the mobile application through numerous different means. The essential frameworks assistants the mobile application process this cipher like all other data on the smartphone. In processing, this code forces a context alteration and the framework reinterprets the data as an executable program. The code may run in the scope and access authorizations of the user or it can also run with confidential permissions leading to much larger potential damage. Another form of a client-side injection contains direct injection through binary attacks. This brute-force method has more potential for injury than data injections.



An excellent way to stop application exposures to injection is to find the sources of input and make sure that user or application-supplied data is being mattered of input validation therefore, prohibiting code injection. Examining the code to authenticate whether the application is handling data properly is the best way to confirm the security of your mobile application. Code analysis tools can support a security expert to find the use of interpreters and track the flow of data via the application. Once a gap is doubted it can be confirmed by manual testers whose expertise activities that approve the liability.


1. Security Choices through Untrusted Participations:

Developers usually use secreted values, fields, or functionality to discriminate between lower and higher level users. Weak execution of such unseen functionalities leads to unsuitable application behavior ensuing in higher-level authorizations being approved to a foe. The method used to exploit these weaknesses is known as hooking.



Some tips associated with IPC mechanisms that you can practice to increase the security of your mobile application:

• Stop passing sensitive material through IPC devices, as it can be vulnerable to being read by 3rd party applications under definite situations.
• Strict input authentication is essential to avoid input-driven spasms.
• User interaction should be essential before executing any sensitive active the IPC entry points.



These were several best practices that a mobile application developer must follow with the intention of having a fully protected and hard to crack the application. Recently, cybersecurity has verified its significance and clients are now concerned in the more protected app to depend upon.

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