Healthy Office Guide

Healthy Office Guide
Stefan Ivanovic

Glopinion by

Stefan Ivanovic

Jan 22, 2020

If you spend at least six hours a day sitting at a desk, your risk of heart attack is twice as high as in people on the move. Your computer is making you lose vision, and it has a negative impact on your blood sugar.

Here is my small guide on how you can keep yourself healthy even when you work in an office.

You know for sure that sitting is not good for health. In America alone, 86 percent of people do office work, but few know how to deal with the consequences successfully. This kind of lifestyle creates a culture of so-called weekend warriors, people who sit mostly for a week and leave their physical activities for the weekend, thinking that this is how they compensate for everything. However, it is not so simple. Experts say the illusion of a healthy life is then created. Office work costs you heart problems, vision loss, possible diabetes, but also mental health.

Even 4 workouts a week are not enough for heart health

"The main point of view of your heart is: when you sit down, your heart rate decreases, and it affects everything," says cardiologist Allan Stewart, adding that you eat less healthy foods because you don't have time to cook. Fat is collected around your heart because your muscles consume less calories while you are passive. Even four workouts a week are not enough to make up for all those hours of sitting. People who sit more than six hours a day are less sensitive to insulin, which results in a high risk of type 2 diabetes. If you do not move enough, it means you consume less glucose and therefore have more fat on your stomach.

What can you do?

Get up whenever you can. It is recommended that you do this at least once every hour. Meetings do not have to take place sitting down, walk slowly and talk. If you are able, replace the chair with a Pilates ball as you will still need to exercise some muscle to maintain balance. And don't forget that every exercise is welcome. Exercise whenever you can, preferably half an hour at a time.

Prolonged sitting causes muscle atrophy

"Man was created for physical labor. If we sit most of the time, there is a greater risk of injury, ”says personal trainer Moe Widdi. He explains that we will lose strength in our core muscles, putting more pressure on the bones. "All parts of the body work together, so if something is off, everything else suffers. The muscles start to weaken, and the joints have to make up for it, ”Widdi explains. In addition, posture is extremely important to life. It helps build confidence, reduces the chance of injury and can help you avoid asthma. "When you develop poor posture, your shoulders fall to the front of your body, causing your back to sag, limiting your lungs to get enough oxygen."

What can you do?

To avoid injury and poor posture, it is important to strengthen your back and front muscles, the muscles that control your back and the front of your body. Widdi recommends this exercise four times a week to make up for the damage: lean against a flat wall or mirror, lower your back to the floor, tightening as much muscle as possible. Put your palms on the wall to put more weight on your feet.

Screens damage your vision

Looking at your computer monitor can't make you blind, says optometrist Andy McLoughlin. Still, prolonged one-point staring and UV radiation from the screen put pressure on the retina, which causes visual impairment after a while, according to the Daily Mail.

What can you do?

Take your eyes off the screen every 20 - 30 minutes, looking at the distance and relaxing for a minimum of 30 seconds. Look for artificial tear drops in the pharmacy. These will help when you feel your eyes are dry. Have your eyesight checked every two years by an ophthalmologist.

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